Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category



Finally pulled the heater core.

Finally dish


Picked these up for the Iroc. 15×10-38 rear & 15×8.5 -38 front.

MX73 & B110


So it’s been awhile. So here is a summary in images. B110 coupe then Cressida in that order. 71′ 1200 coupe. 1985 Cressida Sadly the Cressida was sold then the 1200 went. Mainly because I only get one parking space at my new place, but on a side note. I’m content with the Camaro.



I’m not dead. Just been busy with my daughter. Sadly the B110 is gone/sold now. I’ll post more soon.



Remember these? Well I’m seriously thinking about having them powder coated. What color though? I’m thinkin Orange duh…. or purple just cause it’s such a big contrast.



Got the rack on. At some point I’ll stop bein lazy an drop this thing. I have all the parts ready. Just sittin in my room.



Ugh not that I don’t like the wagon, but I miss drivin the Z. Ima bring it back to life sooner than later.



Ok so no pics. I bought some 3 inch lowering blocks. Which means I need to mod the front springs to drop it just about 4 inches. Also may be gettin some apc seats. Gay I know, but better than stock, and cheap. $120 for both. I’m hella reseachin SR swaps, and antihop bars. For […]

Little change.


Changed my front end a little. Removed the little bump-guard things from the front & rear. Moved the plate over. Gotta make a braket for it later. I’m cool with how it came out though.

Um I drive a 72′ Datsun Wagon……. this bus was that short I swear. A few at home. Oh I had to take the 14×7’s off the rear. 195/70’s are to wide. They were rubbin to much when people were in the car. So until I get a decent sized tires. I think I’m gonna […]